Σύντομη Περιγραφή

17-year-old Paramithia Spanou lives in the island of Rhodes and she has been suffering from acute scoliosis ever since she was just a little girl. On May 25th she will be admitted to the children hospital of Penteli, where she will be subjected to a surgical operation that will repair the damage in her spine. Her family needs our support in order to gather the amount required for their transportation, as well as their stay in Athens, until she gets discharged. Let us all contribute so that this young girl can get into surgery without any further delay. 

Together we made it happen! Paramythia will be able to go to Athens to perform the required surgery to restore her spine!

από Steve Tsomp

  • 2.160,00 

  • 2.305,00 

  • Target Goal

Ποσοστό :
The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

17-year-old Paramithia Spanou lives in the island of Rhodes and she has been suffering from acute scoliosis ever since she was just a little girl. Her daily life is a struggle, suffering from intense pain, since the vertebrae put a lot of pressure on her chest, to the point where she has difficulty breathing. On May 25th she will be admitted to the children hospital of Penteli, where she will be subjected to a surgical operation that will repair the damage in her spine. The cost of her hospitalization and surgery are covered by the family’s health insurance. 

However, the young girl must fly out to Athens with one of her parents, at least a week prior to the surgery. Following the surgery, she must remain hospitalized for at least 20 days. Her family needs our support in order to gather the amount required for their transportation, as well as their stay in Athens, until she gets discharged. The total cost of these expenses amounts to 2,160 euros. We simply cannot allow this financial aspect to get in the way of this girl’s chance to a better quality of life. 

Let us all contribute so that this young girl can get into surgery without any further delay. Any contribution, big or small, can make a great difference!



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